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Free printable Easter scavenger hunt clues for kids and tweens

Free printable indoor Easter scavenger hunt clues for kids

Download my cute and free printable Easter scavenger hunt for kids with 24 fun riddles. My egg-shaped clues are not too easy for tweens and not too difficult for elementary-age kids and take them all around the house. Make my indoor scavenger hunt for your kids and add some egg-stra fun to Easter Sunday. Keep reading to get my fun Easter scavenger hunt PDF.

See also: Paper Easter basket free printable template »

Good scavenger hunt clues for an Easter morning hunt indoors

My free printable Easter scavenger hunt includes 24 clues for an indoor scavenger hunt. Use all of my Easter hunt clues or choose just your favorites. I’ve also included a blank sheet of printable eggs for you to add your own clues to the mix if you like.

Free printable indoor Easter scavenger hunt clues for kids
Easter eggs free printable

Easter scavenger hunt clues

Here are some of my favorite Easter scavenger hunt clues:

  • This hunt could go on for days! Look next where the music plays. (On the record player or on Alexa)
  • Let’s cut loose! Your next clue is on the juice. (Juice bottle in the refrigerator)
  • This is a tricky one. Go look where you can strum. (Inside the guitar case – you can leave out this clue if your family doesn’t play)
  • Give this next clue a try. Look where things go to dry. (Laundry room)

This clue that led to Liam’s signed baseball was to find something that you can throw. Can you guess where this next scavenger hunt clue will lead?

Easter indoor scavenger hunt clue

Yep, it’s hidden behind the curtains on our east-facing window. And this next scavenger hunt clue to “look where there’s lots of glue” leads the kids to our arts and crafts cabinet. And yes, there are several kinds of adhesives inside as you can imagine.

Easter indoor scavenger hunt clue hidden on a window

Easter scavenger hunt clues for elementary kids and tweens

You can hide the clues in easy or difficult spots to find based on the age of your kids. Can you spot the clue below? It’s underneath the brim of Liam’s favorite Cubs World Series baseball hat.

Easter indoor scavenger hunt clue hidden in a hat

Creative ideas for Easter scavenger hunts

What treasure will you put at the end of the hunt? You can always give a traditional Easter basket with candy or this cute stuffed bunny rabbit. In our family, Grandma usually gives the kids Easter baskets and because I think one Easter basket per kid is enough, I decided to decorate the kids’ best stuffie pals with paper Easter bunny ears and a special Easter message on their tummies. It was a big hit and the best treasure!

Elise with Tiger dressed for Easter. Copyright Merriment Design. Do not use without written permision.
Liam with Tiger dressed for Easter. Copyright Merriment Design. Do not use without written permision.

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DIY crafts tutorial

Supplies for making my fun indoor Easter scavenger hunt for kids:

How to plan a scavenger hunt for Easter morning with printable clues:

Step 1: Download and customize my free printable Easter scavenger hunt PDF

Download my indoor Easter scavenger hunt free printable template. Open the PDF in Adobe Reader or your browser.

Step 2: Print my Easter scavenger hunt clues

I printed my clues in color on bright white cardstock paper but you could also use printer paper. If you’d like to write some custom clues, print out my blank Easter eggs printable to fill in your own riddles.

Step 3: Cut out the egg-shaped scavenger hunt clues

Use good paper scissors to cut out the clues that you’d like to use for your hunt – you don’t have to use all 24 if you’d like a shorter hunt. Also, there’s one clue that lead to a guitar (strum) and one that leads to a tennis racquet (ace), so you can leave those out if you don’t have them indoors.

Step 4: Hide your clues inside the house

Set up the scavenger hunt inside after the kids go to bed. Adhere the clues with removable tape where needed.

Step 5: Start the hunt!

We handed kids the first clue to get started. They took it from there. I used all 24 printable clues and the hunt took about 30 minutes which I think was a perfect amount of time for a fun Easter morning activity.

Kids on an indoor Easter scavenger hunt. Copyright Merriment Design Co. Do not use without written permision.
DIY crafts tutorial

Be sure to pin my free printable Easter scavenger hunt for kids:

Free Printable Easter scavenger hunt for kids and tweens

And see more easy Easter crafts such as this easy Easter egg decorating idea and easy felt flower bracelets craft for kids.


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